The ad Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill has been sold and is not included in the search!
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Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 2
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 3
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 4
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 5
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 6
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 7
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 8
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 9
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 10
Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill image 11
Brand: Horsch
Model: Maestro 8 CX
Year of manufacture: 2022
Location: Poland Stęszew7184 km from you
Placed on: more than 1 month
Agronetto ID: FW44065
Working width: 6 m
Number of rows: 8
Row spacing: 750 mm
Running hours: 1,191 ha/hour
Volume of the tank: 3,000 l
Condition: used

More details — Horsch Maestro 8 CX pneumatic precision seed drill

Kowala Agrotechnika company offers Horsch Maestro 8 CX:

- year of manufacture – 2022,
- sown area – 1191 ha,
- Horsch terminal, ISOBUS,
- number of rows – 8,
- row distance – 75 cm,
- fertiliser hopper capacity – 3000 l,
- seed hopper capacity – 70 l,
- Maestro metering system with press wheels (rubber),
- hydraulic coulter pressure adjustment (150 / 350 kg),
- system AutoForce – one section, (sensor 2, 7 section),
- control sensors,
- LED road lights,
- air-brakes system,
- tyres – BKT 710/50 R26.5,
- K80 linkage,
- very good condition

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Contact persons: Dawid +48668042803,

We offer also worldwide shipping.
Firma Kowala Agrotechnika bietet Horsch Maestro 8 CX an:

- Baujahr – 2022,
- Gesamt Fläche – 1191 ha,
- Horsch Terminal, ISOBUS,
- Reihenanzahl – 8,
- Reihenabstand – 75 cm,
- Düngertankinhalt – 3000 l,
- Saatgutbehälter – 70 l,
- Maestro Dosiersystem mit integrierter Druckrolle (Gummi),
- Hydraulische Schardruckverstellung (150 / 350 kg),
- System AutoForce – Einebschnitt, (Sensor 2, 7 Abschnitt),
- Überwachungssensoren,
- LED Beleuchtung,
- Druckluftbremsanlage,
- Bereifung – BKT 710/50 R26.5,
- Kugelkupplung K80,
- Sehr gute Zustand

Bei Fragen stehen Wir gerne zu Verfugnung.
Kontaktpersonen: Dawid +48668042803,

Wir bieten auch Weltweit Transport an.
Können wir auch Ihren Gebrauchtemaschinen in Zahlung nehmen.
Firma Kowala Agrotechnika oferuje Horsch Maestro 8 CX:

- rok produkcji – 2022,
- zasiany obszar – 1191 ha,
- terminal Horsch, ISOBUS,
- liczba rzędów – 8,
- rozstaw rzędów – 75 cm,
- pojemność zbiornika nawozowego – 3000 l,
- pojemność zbiornika nasiennego – 70 l,
- system dozujący Maestro z rolkami dociskowymi (gumowymi),
- hydrauliczna regulacja nacisku redlic (150 / 350 kg),
- system AutoForce – jednosekcyjny, (czujnik - 2, 7 sekcja),
- czujniki wysiewu,
- oświetlenie drogowe LED,
- instalacja hamulców pneumatycznych,
- ogumienie – BKT 710/50 R26.5,
- zaczep K80,
- stan bardzo dobry

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Biuro: +48 61 819 56 60
Dawid Kowalski +48 668 042 803